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#88 - Your inbox is already overflowing …

Description: a close-up image of a letterbox, overflowing with mail.

(Photo by Thanhy Nguyen on Unsplash .)

Welcome to 2024!

More specifically, welcome to the first workday of the year for many people.

People who have been away from their e-mail for at least a week. Possibly two or three.

It would be poor form on my part to add to your backlog. So I’ll skip the web3 news coverage this time around.

And with that, I’ll leave you to sort out the rest of your inbox.

The wrap-up

This was an issue of Block & Mortar.

Who’s behind Block & Mortar? I'm Q McCallum. I've spent the past two decades in the emerging-tech space. And I'm very interested in web3 use cases.

Credit where it's due. Big thanks to Shane Glynn for reviewing early drafts. Any mistakes that remain are mine.

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